Newsletter Archive
Have you missed an edition of the BioPharma Cluster Newsletter? In our newsletter archive, you can read all previous editions published since October 2021.
May 2022
We have recently published the February 2022 issue of our monthly newsletter. This latest edition spotlights our joint event "Vom Feind zum Freund - Viren in dier Medizin" with InnoSÜD this upcoming summer.
February 2022
We have recently published the February 2022 issue of our monthly newsletter. This latest edition spotlights a novel therapy that has emerged as a new hope in cancer treatment.
January 2022
We have recently published the January 2022 issue of our monthly newsletter. In this latest edition, we look back and give a short insight into the last eventful weeks of 2021.
October 2021
We have recently published the October 2021 issue of our monthly newsletter. Discover how Rentschler Biopharma and Vetter have advanced their strategic collaboration. And learn more about what our cluster and the biopharma/biotech industry have been up to lately.
September 2021
We have recently published the first edition of our redesigned monthly newsletter. Discover the meaning behind „BIU 2.0“ & „UCH“ and learn more about what our cluster and the biopharma/biotech industry have been up to lately.